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Seeking Joy

Joy – It’s something everyone in this world tries to find whether it’s through love, money, a job, relationships, etc. The problem with this is that this temporary joy is gone just as soon as it is found. But why is that? Why is it this difficult to harness a joy that is so overwhelming and everlasting?

To say I was a negative child growing up is kind of an understatement. Don’t believe me? Just ask my parents, I’m sure they could tell you hundreds of stories about how I could rain gloom and doom over anyone’s cheery day. Sure, I had my joyful moments, but they never really lasted long. I would cry alone in my room day after day because I thought something was wrong with me. I thought there was something I was missing because I could never find that long-lasting joy!

Thankfully, we serve a God who is beyond capable of transforming hearts and through the years He has shown me how to be joyful through prayer and His Word!

1. J.O.Y is found when you put Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last.

This was quoted heavily by mom while I was growing up. If you really want to be joyful then serve someone. It’s really hard to think about yourself when you’re seeking His face by serving His people. So it’s time to stop looking in the mirror and start looking at others!

“For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.” Galatians 5:13

2. Joy is found when you find contentment.

You can’t be joyful if you’re constantly worrying about the future or other silly things of this world. When your heart and soul are resting in Him you’ll feel an unspeakable peace and contentment with every crazy thing going on in your life! Contentment does not come through a guy or girl, it doesn’t come through having straight A’s, or even having a picture perfect life. It only comes when you realize that God is God and He is good all the time. And through this contentment you will find sweet, sweet joy!

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Matthew 6:33-34

3. Joy is found when you stop putting God in a box.

This is something that God has recently shown me. I was placing Him and His capability inside a small box. My life and emotions were spinning out of control and as I was crying out to Him asking, “why aren’t you doing anything about this?” He simply answered, “because you’re not allowing me to.” I realized I need to stop talking about how big my God is actually start acting out on how big He is! If I keep asking Him to take care of something, but refuse to actually let Him take it, then am I really showing that I believe my God is able? And trust me on this one, God is so much bigger and more than capable to take care of the things in your life!

“How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension!” Psalm 147:5

Joy through Jesus Christ is the sweetest and most wonderful kind of joy there is! It’s not hard to find, it’s all around us! But because we are sinful humans our cold hearts and pride can make it difficult to discover this overflowing fountain. But I can assure you that once you do find it, there’s no turning back! Because He holds my heart His joy now runs deep through my veins and I cannot begin to express how much better my life is because of Him!

So this is my heart-cry for you my brothers and sisters in Christ: I pray that you would realize these truths that make up our wonderful God and that because of them you would experience this deep joy in your hearts! And that when you discover this joy that you would share it and proclaim it to the world!

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