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The Comfort of a Crushed Spirit

The comfort of a crushed spirit.

Bet you never saw those words together in a sentence! But before you sign off and call me crazy, let me tell you a story.

So, there was this guy. (We've all been here, right?)

He was cute, funny, intelligent, kind, and one of the godliest people I had ever met. We became good friends and I really started to care for him in a deeper way. I prayed and wished and hoped for a long time that maybe he saw me the same way. I finally built up the courage to tell him about how I felt and turns out he did not reflect those same feelings for me.


Nope, he only saw me as a sister.

Double ouch.

I had never been so crushed in my life and it took me a really long time just to get back to being okay again.

I can still look back at that time and feel all the hurt and embarrassment of that situation all over again. My spirit begins to feel crushed and pain rushes in like a tidal wave, but then the water slowly pulls back and I begin to breathe in comfort and joy.

The comfort of a crushed spirit might sound like a peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich. They just don't go together. So how does pain relate to the feeling of comfort? How can I look pain in the eye and still smile because I know a secret that he doesn't?

This is the comfort of a crushed spirit:

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." - Matthew 5:4

Pain and hurt are things to rejoice in because it means we get to be comforted by the Father if we give it to Him. The greatest joy ever delivered to this world will deliver that same joy to us.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance." - Ecclesiastes 3:1&4

Pain is going to happen in our lives, but only for a specific time. There will be a time for comfort and joy. It's not just one or the other, so know that that moment of pain only means that joy is coming.

"At least I can take comfort in this: Despite the pain, I have not denied the words of the Holy One." - Job 6:10

Pain gives us the opportunity to turn to God and say, "I'm hurting, but Your words are still true and You are still good." It allows us to recognize in our own hearts that He is the source of the comfort and joy we seek.

A crushed spirit means God is comfort and joy. A crushed spirit means recognizing that God is so much bigger than the problems that we face. A crushed spirit means giving the pain of my life to God and watching Him turn it into joy for me to keep.

So the next time you're in that moment of pain remember that God's joy is coming, and that's comforting. Learn to seek out His joy through prayer, the Word, and service. Remind yourself that though there may be pain in the night, joy will come in the morning!

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